Thursday, June 24, 2010

Random Beauty tips?

too look stand out. Lol...share your secrets girls! Im rellly bored..this should be fun and ... interesting!Random Beauty tips?
i know a lot!

1) after you wash your hair, don't brush it when it's still wet, it'll damage your hair. to untangle your hair, use your fingers first or a really wide-toothed comb. then blow-dry.

2) don't cross your legs at your knees too much. you know, like that lady-like way of sitting you see a lot of girls and ladies do. (one leg over the other-like sharon stone) it blocks off circulation to your legs, so when you're older, you'll get uber ugly blue-green spider veins all down your legs.

3)after swimming, rinse your hair with a apple-cider-vinegar-mix, to get rid of clorine and impurities.

4)put petrolleum jelly on your eyelids for a natural sheen.

5) an old toothbrush is good for exfoliating your lips

6) your last rinse in the shower should be a cold blast of water. it tighten and closes up unslightly pores, and makes you glow

7) when applying eye products(for makeup), tilt your chin up slightly to look a bit down into a mirror.

8) open your eyes when doing eyeliner.

9) to lose weight and be trim and fit, cut down on ABC, alchohol, bread, adn carbohydrates.

10) when drinking coffee, tea, or coca-cola, sip through a straw to prevent discolourisation of your teeth.

11) before , during, and after meals, drink only warm water, NOT COLD or ICE water, because cold/ice water solidifies the food in your stomach, causing you to have a big belly. warm water melts your food and helpd in digestion, so you get a slim tummy.

hope that helps!Random Beauty tips?
!eat strawberies for white teeth.

!after the meal,if u don't have ur toothpaste with yatry an cleans the teeth.

!before u sleep ,apply honey to ur lips

!never sleep without a demaquillage

!never use a makeup without applying a good cream.remember it must be a good one,and one for younger ages

!Mash 1/4 banana until very creamy. Spread all over face and leave for 15-20 minutes before rinsing off with warm water followed by a dash of cold.

Gently pat dry.

!defriz ur hair […

!To avoid breaking nails or brittle nails:Increase the amount of calcium in your diet.

!lemon and ginger is agreat mask



4 more go to;

at the moment . . . if u drink coffee with those tiny coffee straws, that'll help your teeth not to get as stained.
--castor oil helps hair grow quickly

--use the juices from a raspberry or a similar fruit and dab it across your lips as lipstick. the stain lasts a while as long as your not drinking water all day

--to tone down the redness of a zit or completely rid of it, put a drop or two of visine on it. that or toothpaste at night and wash the spot the next day

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