Thursday, June 24, 2010


Hi I really want to impress this guy I really like, but what do I need to do? (school of coarse) i'm 14. What make up, accesories, %26amp; others I should use %26amp; wear? Like my make up? Nails? My hair is med-length, dead straight and blonde with short layers %26amp; a side fringe! I'm 5ft7, do you have any tips? I have pale skin, %26amp; green eyes, any ideas? I will be very grateful!BEAUTY TIPS - HELP please!?
Just be yourself it is not just looks that will impress him...BEAUTY TIPS - HELP please!?
NO NO NO. You don't dress to impress a guy. That never works. You dress to impress yourself. The most attractive thing about any person is confidence and selfassurance. If you feel confident you will automaticly carry yourself differently, you will act differently and if you have this belief in yourself it inspires others to have belief in you too. so- to look good YOU need to feel good, so you need to wear clothes that you feel sexy and confident in yourself. The best way to do this is to practise. Go try on different outfits in shops until you find what styles and colours suit you, and don't alway go for fashion as maybe the current fashion is not the best for you. Find your own style.

Next time you have a hair cut get the person cutting it to give you advise. They may even be able to show you a few easy ways to tie it up nicely too.

With make-up try out department stores. They have usually free make overs where they can advise you on what colours work good for you, and when they give you a make over ask questions on what and how they're doing it. If their products are too expencive just note what they use and what kind of colours and get something close enough in a cheaper brand, then again practise. the more you practise the better you get.

And remember. People are different. You can't like everyone you meet, and not everyone you meet will like you. No matter how you dress or how hard you try sometimes you will be disappointed but don't try to force these things, there will be plenty of people in your life who will like you easy for who and what you are.
Am a beauty advisor for Clinique so i can sure help you with the make up part.....first of all if u dont need a full coverage of make up just use powder makeup if u need to cover u should use liquid makeup ......first step is matching ur skin with it.....u said u had green eyes, brown eyeshadows are best to bring out your green eyes...brown eyeliner and brown mascara ...u also said u have pale skin, touch it up with some bronzer not much because then you will look orange........use more of it on your cheeks as blush and some lipgloss and you will look like a queen.......a pair of jeans with a cute top and some flats you could never go wrong with that......claires has really cute accesories go with them......and nails go with a french manicure cute and classy.........good luck with the guy at school and if he doesnt notice hes not worth it.........
dont be too tarty just wear a small amount of natural colours on skin and eyeshadow . boys at that age wont be too bother about your nails . try and find out what this boy likes and enjoys and he will be more impressed if you have the same things in common and can talk easily
14??? Maybe a little mascara but nothing else. Guys really don't care about make-up. What are his interests? Find that out and make it known that you like and know about the things he knows and likes. And maybe pick at him a little..... At your age, saying goofey and silly things are a great way to flirt with-out being too obvious
leave hair down, use bronzer to highlight cheek bones and along jaw line ( not too much you will look like a carrot...) some blusher on the apples of your cheeks, nice defined mascara, nice perfume, french manicure and nude brown lipgloss

hope it helps!! And works!!
u sed that you have got pale sing were a light golden coulour foundation.

french manicure (fake) nails.

curl your hair.

fancy bobbles.

wear dark bluey green eye shadow

and last of course were some really nice fragrant perfume.

gd luck hes deffo gonna fall 4 ya
Ask me in two years, when I feel that maybe you are old enough to start looking at guys. Besides, you shouldn't have to change anything to impress someone. If they don't like you for who you are, don't bother.
If I were you, I would just go with natural look. I mean, it's better if someone likes you because of who you are, not the way you look.
for crying out loud just be yourself why go put on loads of slap just be you thats how you impress him and make him laugh if you want to impress him n ur pretty go au natural he will like you just the way you are.........
impress him by being your normal (clean hopefully) self, if he doesn't like natural beauty tell him to jump off a bridge...
Just be your self you look more attractive and charming looking

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